Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's Not All Roses For The Banksters' Victims

2013: Occupy our homes
it’s not all roses for the banksters' VICTIMS
Shepard Fairey @ObeyGiant sends #LemonInstagrams2Congress 
WHO: Occupy Fights Foreclosures Activists, Southern California Homeowners
WHEN: Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
WHERE: 2013 Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA., Occupiers and Participants will be meeting at Singer Park 250 West California Blvd. Pasadena, CA. starting at 6am
WHY: To shed light on the continuing abuses by major banks who fraudulently foreclose on  thousands of homes, breaking up families  and destroying the economy.
WHAT: Occupy Fights Foreclosures will be presenting an unofficial float: “Occupy Our Homes, It’s Not All Roses For the Banksters Victims.” Homeowners will march the parade route with large banners, umbrellas, Fraudclosure Wagon (float) and 10' Monopoli Banker
Contact: Carlos Marroquin (323) 592-4663
 “Occupy FIGHTS FORECLOSURES” marches in the 2013 rose parade to send a loud message to the big banks who bankroll this parade
 LOS ANGELES –December 31, 2012 -- Wells Fargo and many other big banks sponsoring the Rose Parade are guilty of grossly inflating the value of homes, originating fraudulent loans, illegally foreclosing on homes, and falsifying IRS tax forms. Bank of America and Wells Fargo are among the largest Mortgage Lenders in the country and thousands, if not tens of thousands, have fallen victim to its mortgage practices and those of other banks who, in sponsoring this parade, hope to come out “smelling like a rose.”
"We at Occupy Fights Foreclosures have chosen to take a stand against the illegal practices of these lenders -- instead we stand with homeowners fighting to keep their homes. It has been estimated that approximately 4 million foreclosures are slated for 2013.
As we step into a new year, we also welcome the new Homeowner’s Bill of Rights-a new tool in helping homeowners fight back against the fraud.  Occupy Fights Foreclosures was on hand to help in getting that bill to pass, and we will be on hand to help with the implementation to help the thousands of families who have been left alone without representation in this foreclosure fiasco.
“Occupy Fights Foreclosures” will be there among all the floats sponsored by the Banking Communities outlining themselves as an indispensible part of the community. Their unofficial float in the Rose Parade will serve as a reminder to the thousands of homeowners who are holding on to their homes that they are not alone, and it will serve as a reminder to the banks of the thousands of homeless families that they have removed from their homes leaving them displaced. They’re fed up with these banks stealing the American Dream.
Occupy Fights Foreclosures, is dedicated to end the bank abuse against homeowners, the families, and the communities in which they live. "I have worked closely with dozens of home owners. I have seen widespread abuse by financial institutions that continue their financial terrorism against working families," says Carlos Marroquin, "Unless we resist, abuses will continue."
You can Join & Share the Facebook event page here:
Contact: Carlos Marroquin (323) 592-4663

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Melissa Balin petitions Supreme Court of California for Immediate Relief

Melissa Balin petitions Supreme Court of California for Immediate Relief
November 26, 2012, after two weeks without the court appointing new counsel after removing Balin's private bar-paneled attorney, also appointed by the court due to court declared conflicts; and courtesy of the BudaLaw WritFactory FreeWorkshop sponsored by Women Seeking Justice, Melissa Balin went to San Francisco and filed her own petition for a Writ of Prohibition against all lower courts, with the Supreme Court of California.
You can read the petition here:
We wish we could finally report an end to this continued waste of limited state taxpayer resources, but in a retaliatory move, "coincidentally" less than two weeks after filing but ONE YEAR into pre-trial, the lower courts have now halted all proceedings in order to determine Balin's competency to stand trial. Sign and share this Change.Org petition to show our #Solidarity to the Supreme Court to #ExonerateMelissaBalin