Friday, January 25, 2013

ON With Her Head!

What If one day, The Queen of Hearts redeemed her spurious ways and realized that she was wrong to order Alice's head?  And What If, when the Queen of Hearts ordered Alice's "corpus" to return "habeas" in order to most graciously have Alice's head re-attached at a "TeaParty"; in finding that Alice's head was still firmly attached to her head all this time,  she most ungraciously ordered Alice's head to be re-removed in order for her to then re-attach it...  Would you allow it?  
Or would you run her directly to the Ecuadorian embassy without passing GO and WITHOUT COLLECTING $200?!?!?!
Abraham Lincoln said, “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
  Save Melissa Balin!  Stop Samantha Jessner From Committing Acts of Terror Under Color of Law!

Sign the petition to #ExonerateMelissaBalin at!  Make it #trendy 2 #ExonerateMelissaBalin in the Interest of the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, as well as the California State Constitution of 1849.  

Deputize yourself with the U.S. Marshalls... become friends with somebody at Homeland Security to stop these domestic terrorists... send a topless photo to the CIA to get them on the case since the FBI are in on the schtick... form a Sovereign Grand Jury of your oathkeeping peers... whatever it takes... Just Don't Let Them Take Melissa Balin Away From Her People Under The Color of Law! #FernsySays: #NeverAgain:

Power to the Peaceful!  "Live Free or Die" is New Hampshire's slogan NOT California's... ours is "Eureka... I have Found It!" as in striking GOLD and not fists.  Out here we believe in BalinYoga, and Avocados all year long and Quality of Living and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Join Us in Our Ultimate Pursuit of #Justice #ButNotForJUSTUs with @WomenSeekingJustice

Please #RT, #Share & #Participate in the #ExonerateMelissaBalin FB event virtually or #LIVE- & hey, did we mention #FREE #LetThemEatCupcakes?!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chalkupy #Hopscotch4Justice

On January 23, 2013 #hopscotch4Justice was launched at the #OLA General Assembly by Affinity Group, @StayOccupied

Join our Strategic Partnership with CopBlock, Women Seeking Justice, Sovereign Citizens United, and Occupy Everywhere in our oath to protect & serve the Constitution for The United States of America and the California State Constitution of 1849, in conducting the first California Pitchess Motion By The People For The People.

It would appear that the only people who seem to truly believe they are above the law, are government officials and law enforcement officers who are breaking the law with impunity and facing NO disciplinary actions other than slight public embarrassment.  In the wake of the wrongful death of Aaron Swartz, we maintain that Prosecutorial Misconduct is the only real crime here.

Chalk=FreeSpeech.  We offer the simple concept that navigating through the Justice System of 2013 should be approached like a hopscotch game for your inner child.  You must hop & skip and be careful not to touch the lines and pick up your marker and move it along, without anything actually happening besides you hopping and skipping back & forth.  Often when a malfeasance of Justice occurs, it takes much more than one prosecutor to make the giant cogs turn in the machine that is trying to crush you alive under its weight ala The Crucible.

Give your inner child a sense of GLEE!  Upload your chalk pix of the pieces to your own justice puzzles on our @StayOccupied Pinterest Board #Hopscotch4Justice, so that others may cross-reference your claims with their own, and see how many "Bad Lieutenants" have exhibited a continual pattern or propensity to use excessive force, falsify reports, or perjure themselves under oath... you, know, the usual stuff that never gets investigated.

The Day of Reckoning is ARRIVED.  Welcome to the #BloodlessRevolution of whistle-blowing!  Let's just "chalk it up" to the end of a #RampantRampartEra, shall we?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

#J24 #ExpectUs 2 #ExpressUs #Demand #JUSTICE #ButNotForJustUs!

If you or a loved one has a story to share about the unconstitutional Mental Health Court known as Division 95, please #JoinUs!  If you cannot be there in person, please #SHARE & #RT #ExonerateMelissaBalin

Share & Participate in the FB Event from wherever you are in the world on January 24, 2013!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

#TooCompetent To Stand Trial in Kangaroo Court?

Tweetup 2 #ExonerateMelissaBalin

@Bauch808 Tweets 2 #ExonerateMelissaBalin all the way from The Czech!
Source: via Stay on Pinterest

INJUSTICE ALERT: Press Conference Hosted by Women Seeking Justice!
Rochelle Balin & daughter Melissa at Cannes

WHEN: Friday, January 4, 2013   7:30AM PT

WHERE: Public Sidewalks surrounding
Division 95 Mental Competency Court
1150 North San Fernando Rd.
LA, CA 90065

WHY:  Actress & Life Coach, Rochelle Balin, asks all citizens to join her in protecting the First Amendment & Freedom Of The Press.  She will give a prepared statement to the  public regarding the unconstitutional incarcerations and continuing cruel & unusual punishment of her filmmaker/activist daughter, Melissa Balin. Rochelle Balin will be joined by others who will speak on the First Amendment violations of citizen journalists further worsened by police brutality and court collusion; “We must shine a light on this In Solidarity or they will silence all of us.”
On December 20, 2012, MENSA member, Melissa Balin, was declared “Not Competent To Stand Trial” in Case #1CA16847-02. Judge Samantha Jessner made the ruling without ANY substantiated evidence OR ANY review of collateral data from the year-long misdemeanor case, which involves falsified Contempt of Court charges and egregious constitutional violations of Due Process.
January 4th will be the first of Melissa Balin’s court-ordered Six-Month MAXIMUM SENTENCE of weekly “competency training” sessions, resulting in a far greater curtailment of Balin’s liberty than if she had remained in the criminal justice system.
Free Cupcakes will be provided to all who Stand #InSolidarity with The First Amendment! If you cannot attend the INJUSTICE ALERT Press Conference in person, please sign & share the petition to #ExonerateMelissaBalin.

ABOUT MELISSA BALIN: Melissa Balin is a filmmaker/activist best known for ghostwriting the urban hit, “I Got The Hook-Up”, and co-directing the grassroots 2008 Vote For Change Video Postcard Campaign with the iconic Shepard Fairey, that helped elect Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. Balin is also well-known for producing copious public service campaigns, as well as segments for The Police Officer of The Year Award Show for Court TV, and serving on the Board of Directors for both The Angela Shelton Foundation to empower survivors of sexual abuse, and The Foundation For Orphaned, Abandoned, Disabled, African Children (FOADAC). Balin has been a proud Union member in the Screen Actors’ Guild since the age of 5. Melissa Balin had NEVER been arrested prior to her known association with the Occupy Movement, and was unconstitutionally arrested and incarcerated three times over a thirty day period in 2011, resulting in a miscarriage of her first pregnancy. Melissa is the daughter of actors Rochelle & Richard Balin; niece of the late humanitarian moviestar Ina Balin, and sister to editor Brandon Balin & music supervisor Rebecca Balin.

To schedule an interview or for more information about the political case, please e-mail

Please visit the facebook event page.
Please post & repin from our Pinterest Board at:
From wherever you are, please Tweet, RT & TwitPic your messages to #ExonerateMelissaBalin and if you are in the Los Angeles area you can share the event on #Meetup too: