Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chalk Up One Tiny Win For Occupy

On November 8, 2013, LA Superior Court Judge, Alan Rosenfield, entered a Judgement in Case #LAM-13M00544, ordering the City of Los Angeles (Public Entity) pay the Plaintiff (#OLA292 arrestee & filmmaker, Melissa Balin) $250 for damages to Balin's personal property incurred by the City of Los Angeles at LA City Hall on November 30 & December 1, 2011 in the raid against the peaceful protesters of Occupy LA.  Balin's original claim was for the amount of $9,887.82 for "destruction of domicile, personal damages, and destruction of original art".

We are not sure how the Judge came to his ruling or the dollar figure to be awarded, but ANY amount awarded the Plaintiff, no matter how small, is #WINNING for Occupy!  While it may be a figurative slap in the face to compensatory justice, on an injunctive level, the ruling would indicate that the City of LA, was indeed guilty of the claims alleged and this ruling alone should warrant further investigation into Monell violations most unbecoming. 

Here is some important intel that we did learn from the tiny little "David versus Goliath" small claims trial in Departnment 31 finally held on November 7 & 8, 2013 (filed by Balin in January and continued twice by the City of LA, taken under submission April 30, and continued and transferred again over the plaintiff's objections) at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse:

#1:  Lieutenant Brian Morrison #30789 of the LAPD testified that he began tactical planning of the removal of the peaceful protesters as early as NOVEMBER 3, 2011, when he traveled with others to Oakland for a tactical consultation with various City Officials regarding unforseen issues in their preceding eviction of peaceful protesters.  [This would indicate a premeditation and collusion on the part of City Officials to violate  the constitutional rights of peaceful protesters under the Color of Law.]

#2:  Sergeant Oppepelt of the LAPD testified that he was one of the officers who stepped in feces on the scene November 30, 2011.  He was unable to recall exactly where he stepped in feces, nor was he able to confirm if the feces was human or animal, nor was he able to deny that it could have been the feces of LAPD officers- at which point, the Judge admonished everyone for decorum as such accusations were unbecoming.  It was duly noted by all parties, that it was equally offensive to Balin for it to be implied that the feces belonged to Occupiers, when in fact, no specimens were saved to support the fictional allegations of a public health hazard.

#3:  NO feces was found in the #SovereignTreeHouse area aka "The Sovereign Nation of Freedom & Peace" that the LAPD called  "Sector 1" because it was on lock-down for the "extraction" of the peaceful protesters in the tree until after 4 AM.  It was noted for the record (as submitted evidence from the LA Times) that LAPD exercised "Lethal Force" in the "extraction" under lackluster investigation by Internal Affairs.

#3:  LAPD Property Officers Iksoo Kim and Eduardo Gonzales testified that only 75 items were salvaged from the November 30th tactical mission and that 29 of those items remained unclaimed and were destroyed after 90 days.  That list of various and sundry items included a bike, a camera, a hammer, and a skateboard.  The officers testified that the original plan was to salvage and tag items of value on site, but within an hour, the plan was modified due to the supposed declaration of a health hazard by HazMat.

#4:  Through questioning and clarification of witness testimony, it was discovered by all parties that HAZMAT WAS NOT EVEN ON THE SCENE AT THE TIME OF THE ALLEGED HAZMAT DECLARATION.  Lieutenant Morrison clarified that the men in white coveralls in the photos of the LA Times, were actually undercover detectives wearing gun holsters and many photographed were not even wearing their protective masks during an alleged health hazard.  At this point, "I don't recall" became the standard answer and our shadowy glimpse into the dark underworld ended as the curtain draped close and Judge Rosenfield said, "I think I've heard all I need to on this case, you've brought up some interesting points Ms. Balin"...

These should be interesting points to raise in the recently certified and upcoming civil class action Federal lawsuit for the 292 cases of false arrests, unlawful imprisonments, and malicious prosecutions levied by the City of Los Angeles against its peaceful citizens known as the Occupy LA International & Intentional Tort.  #StayTuned & #StayOccupied!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Melissa Balin sues the City of Los Angeles

Occupy LA 292 Case to be heard November 7th at Stanley Mosk Courthouse
Melissa Balin sues the City of Los Angeles in Case #LAM-13M00544
Monday, November 4, 2013—LOS ANGELES, CA—After three continuances granted the City of Los Angeles over and against the Plaintiff, Melissa Balin’s objections; the Occupy related case may finally be heard this Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 9:00AM in Department One of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles, California.

Melissa Balin is an internationally recognized filmmaker, who was one of the 292 people arrested the morning of November 30, 2011, to come to be known as the #OLA292.  It would be the second of three false arrests and imprisonments Balin was subjected to over a thirty-day period, which resulted in the miscarriage of her first pregnancy.  It is worth noting that Melissa Balin had never been arrested prior to her known association with Occupy LA, often worked directly with government officials, and had even been a repeat producer for the Police Officer of the Year Award Show for Court TV.  Balin became the Official Media Liaison for the Sovereign Nation of Freedom & Peace, when she publicly announced the repatriation of the land surrounding City Hall at the Occupy LA General Assembly on October 10, 2011, in the name of usufruct by “We The People”, and discovery by the Tongva People in 9,000 B.C. 

Although publicly mocked, Balin officially changed her address to the lawn of City Hall in a speech on public record to Los Angeles City Council on October 12, 2011, after which, City Council voted unanimously to “support” Occupy LA through Resolution 33.  From that point on, Occupy LA and the Sovereign Nation of Freedom & Peace became a California Tenants’ Rights precedent, with up to 700 tents living in domicile under the complicit consent of the landlord (the City of Los Angeles) for more than thirty days.  On November 29, 2011, without any proper eviction notice to those living in domicile in exercise of their First Amendment Rights for well over thirty days; the LAPD staged a military action with over 1400 officers to remove the residents of the Occupy LA tent communities.  On November 30 & December 1, 2011, civilian property and cultural & religious artifacts were wantonly destroyed and hauled off to the LA City Dump, without any preservation of evidence, other than LA Times photos. 

According to California Tenant Rights and Skid Row case law, the LAPD and Sanitation Services, has no right to destroy civilian property considered to be a domicile, such as a tent or cardboard structure, but it is widely known to be a continuing unconstitutional practice of the LAPD to throw away personal belongings of the indigent, under the guise of “cleaning up the streets”, with little or no recourse or injunctive relief in sight.  It didn’t seem like there was much Melissa Balin could do about the issue either, while she was in the midst of fighting falsified Contempt of Court charges against her from the City Attorneys’ Office from November 16, 2011 until February 25, 2013; and a falsified Involuntary Commitment by the Mental Health Court and the District Attorneys’ Office from December 5, 2011 until January 30, 2011 for her known association with Occupy Los Angeles.  With limited resources and the clock ticking on the statute of limitations, Balin filed her case with Small Claims of the Los Angeles Superior Court on January 16, 2013.

Balin explains her thought process in filing with Small Claims, “Mostly it was an attempt at a ‘David & Goliath’ move to level the playing field, because one of the few rules of Small Claims Court is “no lawyers” and I was experiencing so much bullying by the fist of outrageous prosecutorial misconduct in the handling of my Occupy bogus criminal charges, which still hadn’t been dropped at the time.  Unfortunately, that part didn’t really work, because they have allowed at least NINE City and County attorneys to file frivolous motions against me accusing ME of harassment for suing the City for $9,887.82?! and the case still remains to be heard even though the City has never contested ANY of the uncontroverted statement of facts in our claims since the case was filed at the beginning of the year.  They don’t dispute that we had the consent of the landlord.  They don’t dispute that we did NOT pay rent.  They don’t dispute that we were in domicile for more than thirty days.  They don’t dispute that they threw away our property.  Yet they refuse to settle and refuse to go to court.”

The destroyed property named in the suit for $9,887.82 includes a Coleman Six-Man tent, the laptop used to record Occupy depositions for the Law Offices of Bruce Margolin, and original art and priceless signed memorabilia being curated for the Sovereign Nation of Freedom & Peace, including missives by civil rights activists Richard Eastman & Dennis Peron, photographs by Annie Appel, prints by Shepard Fairey, and three of the infamous American Flag shield functional art pieces by SABER.

ABOUT Case #LAM-13M00544 - Melissa Balin v. City of Los Angeles, is scheduled to be heard at 9:00 AM (PDT) in Department 1 of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012.  The case was filed on January 16, 2013 and taken under submission on April 30, 2013.

To find out more about Melissa Balin and her known association with Occupy LA and the Sovereign Nation of Freedom & Peace, please visit and to review all of her pro per and pro se filings with the Los Angeles Superior Court please go to 

To schedule an interview with Melissa Balin or other members of the #OLA292, please e-mail or contact her directly at 323.839.0149.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Miscarriage Of Justice Foetry Book

Melissa Balin's first Foetry Book (fotos & poetry) will be crowd-funded through IndieGoGo and dedicated to YOU!

Miscarriage Of Justice is a book of fotos & poetry inspired by Occupy LA and Balin's three unconstitutional arrests over a thirty day period in 2011, resulting in the miscarriage of her first pregnancy. Balin hopes that her personal struggle will inspire others to Transform Pain Into #aRT.

So #GoGo to: to take the Women Seeking Justice #NotOnOurWatch #Pledge!  Please help spread the word: #SharingISCaring!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


#LifeLineBooth is a group of "#DoGood-ing" people that create phenomenology style phone booth - meets - living room environs in underserved communities.  They filmed the reactions to a trilogy of LifeLineBooth installations at Skid Row and Angel City Brewery is going to have a viewing party Downtown for the hipsters to check it all out.  They will also be building a LIVE #LifeLineBooth of donated materials to further the cause from 4 PM - 11 PM on September 7, 2013! 

@LifeLineBooth on Instagram & facebook
YOU Can Participate by donating blankets, bottled water, non-perishable food, First-Aid materials & Art Supplies to the Angel City Brewery anytime between NOW and September 7, 2013!

Remember: Your Resources Are Worth More Than Your Money & That Includes #Wisdom. 
Share the facebook event @LifeLineBooth and a piece of wisdom you are willing to share about something that helped you through difficult times.

"Don't Get Stuck!"  Pick-Up or Leave a #LifeLine!
@StayOccupied By Any Creative Non-Violent Means Necessary.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Free Political Prisoners in Los Angeles

As residents of Los Angeles, human rights organizers and representatives of organizations from around the globe, we demand:

1. That all charges against Deborah Burton be immediately dropped.
2. A thorough investigation and the rescinding of the faulty evidence presented by Lt. Paulson which eventually led to the charges filed against Deborah Burton, and
3. An end to the aggressive prosecution of human rights defenders.

Organizations across Los Angeles have come together to defend and promote interconnected human rights in our communities. Human rights violations occur on a daily basis. Protest has been at the core of all struggles for Justice. Yet, the assault on political dissent and protest remains an ongoing tactic of the powerful. The City of Los Angeles has a long history of heavy-handedness and violence against people organizing for basic human rights.

Lame-duck City Attorney Carmen Trutanich's malicious prosecution of Deborah Burton--a downtown resident --is part of an ongoing campaign to squash protest and political dissent in Los Angeles.

Deborah Burton's Case:

Deborah, a longtime Los Angeles Communtiy Action Network (LACAN) member and organizer, has been unjustly charged with three counts of assault for alleged actions during a peaceful protest in April 2011. She was not charged until August 2012, 14 months later, and public records show that in the interim months LAPD and the Central City East Association (CCEA) actively lobbied the City Attorney to criminally charge LA CAN members involved in a monthly demonstration of the CCEA’s “Skid Row Walk.”

In one email in April 2011, CCEA associate-- Estela Lopez-- assures her colleagues that the City Attorney informed her that “they would explore all legal options to protect us and allow us to conduct our walk without interference from LA CAN.” In another email sent on June 1, 2011 — the evening of the purported assault — Ms. Lopez confirms they were able to complete their walk “as planned” and never mentions being assaulted or injured by Debora or anyone else from LA CAN.. In a July 2011 email from LAPD’s Lieutenant Paulson, Ms. Lopez tells the City Attorney that she needs information about the filing and documentation of cases related to the public safety walk because “This is going to be an ongoing problem until it gets too costly for them (LA CAN)..”

The case against Deborah Burton is nothing more than a conspiracy, abuse of power, waste of precious resources and the continued targeting of human rights organizers.

Free Deborah Burton and All Political Prisoners!

Los Angeles Human Rights Collective:

Youth Justice Coalition-
Immigrant Youth Coalition-
Dream Team LA-
Union de Vecinos-
Los Angeles Community Action Network-
Los Angeles Anti Eviction Campaign-
Stop LAPD Spying-
Los Angeles Human Right to Housing Collective-
Labor/Community Strategy Center-
All POWER 2 The Peaceful-

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

#AskSnowden #PeekaBoo #WhereAreYou?

@IAmVegetable @MeatlessMonday #Chinese Eggplant #Recipe provided by #RicardoBee:

& #Grill #LikeAWhistleblower

John Cassidy wrote a wonderful piece for the New Yorker: #WhichSideAreYouOn?

@Nightline is polling tweets for #StandWithSnowden OR #AgainstSnowden...

#DidSnowdenEvenLeaveHongKong?  #AreYouSure???

#IfIWereSnowden... well, We The People, would @StayOccupied & sit right where we were, or maybe in the Ecuadorian embassy of Hong Kong, to see what everybody tweeted and how they reacted and do a little "temperature check" as we like to say out in the field...

#Traitor? #Hero?   Anybody who paid just 1% of attention to the cruel & unusual way that Bradley Manning was and is being treated... sublimated, discredited, demonized, unconstitutionally incarcerated, or even worse, marginalized, in the cases of journalist bloggers Barret Brown and Alisa Spitzberg, or the way our own citizen journalist, Melissa Balin was prosecuted for her whistleblowing against Judge Rene Korn's complicity in a continued practice of biased policy against its sovereign citizens on November 14, 2011, FOR MORE THAN NINETEEN MONTHS until the end of her falsified SIX-MONTH Commitment Order from the unconstitutional Cruel & Unusual court out of Stalin's Playbook also known as Department 95, the ONLY DEDICATED MENTAL HEALTH COURT IN ALL 58 COUNTIES OF CALIFORNIA, RESPONSIBLE FOR A CONSPIRACY TO TRAFFICK MORE THAN 100 BILLION DOLLARS IN VETERAN'S BENEFITS, INDIGENT COUNSEL PAYMENTS, AND MENTAL HEALTH BENEFITS, SINCE ITS INCEPTION IN 1994; AS WELL AS ONLY G-D KNOWS HOW MANY BILLIONS TRAFFICKED THROUGH THE COURT OF APPEALS, where an imposter posing as Daniel Potter, erroneously designated Balin as a "Sexually Violent Predator", which could only be seen as a joke, and was apologetically "corrected" by supervising clerk Joseph Lane a few weeks later, but at a time when Balin was intended to cross state lines for a Film Festival,  and "SVP" designations are flags for detainment especially in the conservative State of Utah.  How many unpopular defendants have been erroneously given an "SVP" designation to follow them around ceremoniously?  And for the love of everything Holy, Jeffrey Douglas or some other attorney for the #ACLU- what IS the mysterious "Keep-Away Six" designation used by the LA County Sheriffs for "the ones who know their rights alot"?!?!

#ThinkGlobally & #ActLocally.

Perhaps #EdwardSnowden IS in a palace petting a phoenix.  Perhaps he is smoking a Cuban cigar on a boat headed to Iceland... Perhaps ninjas kidnapped him away from Sarah Harrison and he is in a monastery in Tibet awaiting extradition determinations... wherever he is, We hope that he is reflecting, marinating, if you will, on the next stage of dialogue, for regardless of what one thinks of Snowden's awkward travel arrangements in light of a revoked passport and an obvious political refugee defense from Jump Street- he has started an international conversation that cannot be swept under the rug. 

What are your rights?  Do you even know?  What are you willing to give up?  Who IS in Charge of all this information?  What's REALLY going on?  What's this all about?  Nobody wants to be spied on, right?  Or nobody even cares anymore?  Let's talk about it.  But not over meat, it makes people more aggressive... How about we discuss it on a @MeatlessMonday Over #ChineseEggplant, #RedOnions, #RussianBorscht made from #NonGMO #Beets or a side of #CubanMojo because while we discuss these esoteric issues like Privacy, Open Source, and Restoring the Fourth Amendment... there are small children in cities around the world going hungry wondering what we are bickering over.  So let's all remember to #EatMoreVegetables to #EndWorldHunger #WFD2013 and make a donation to @NoKidHungry!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Judge Henry Barela Needs Therapy


     The following transcripts were prepared May 15, 2013 after begging and pleading the courts and Court Reporters via legal counsel, telephone, e-mail and in writing, since December 5, 2012.  They detail the secret Kangaroo Hearings of journalist Melissa Balin, as part of a perverse punishment which could be seen as treating a complainant as an adversary, as these proceedings were initiated against Balin after she had refused to take a plea for a crime she did not commit (Contempt of Court) FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR OF FALSIFIED CHARGES and FALSIFIED INCARCERATIONS RESULTING IN THE MISCARRIAGE OF BALIN'S FIRST PREGNANCY; announced her write-in candidacy for Mayor of Los Angeles on November 7, 2012, and filed her own Writ of Habeas Corpus with the California Supreme Court on November 26, 2012, which was kicked down, denied a stay, and rejected on November 27th, December 5th and December 7th, respectively.
     Meanwhile Back At The Ranch... These Official Court Transcripts, while slightly inaccurate due to human error, whether intentional and malicious, or simply from old age and the passage of time, still indicate a bias and admitted prejudice ("It's prejudiced, I guess." on page D-3 line 12) on the part of Judge Henry Barela.  On December 5, 2012 after an ex-parte teaparty in Judge's chambers and a literal giggling in the Courtroom in full public view between assigning Judge Victor Greenberg and clerks, Judge Henry Barela declared a not-so-sua-sponte doubt as to Balin's Competency to Stand Trial.  In the Stalinesque hearings that ensue, Balin's rights to due process are flagrantly violated while her liberty is curtailed in a manner far greater than if she had remained in the criminal justice system alone, from December 5, 2012 until June 16, 2013.
     On page B-9 lines 18 & 19, Judge Henry Barela states, "I've lived in LA all my life, and I've never been to a shrink."  Perhaps Judge Henry Barela needs therapy before he be allowed to adjudicate another competency ruling in his illustrious career of persecuting sovereign female citizens of child-bearing years?  Someone should let Judge Henry Barela know that "shrink" is a pejorative term that would indicate an inability to remain impartial.  If Judge Henry Barela is the Judge on your case, you can print out this blog and use it as a "cross-complainant" to respectfully suggest that he simply choose to recuse himself based upon 170.3 section iii, for his professed inability to remain impartial in pro per cases.  Autodidacts of the law can write to the California Commission on Judicial Performance to ask for Judge Barela to be publicly disciplined for his abuse of power on the bench.
"He That Violates His Oath Profanes The Divinity Of Faith Itself."  Power To The Peaceful.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Small Claims Case #LAM-13M00544, "Melissa Balin v. The City of Los Angeles" has been set for trial on October 10, 2013. Even though attorneys aren't supposed to be allowed to file on behalf of a client in Small Claims, Carmen Trutanich, does whatever he wants to Occupy LA, so Balin had to respond to their unlawfully filed Motion to Quash Subpoenas with an Opposition to the Motion to Quash. In an attempt to further the already limited interests of judicial economy, by reducing the time to be consumed in trial, when the main issues at hand remain uncontested by the Defendant; Balin also filed a Notice of Motion and Motion for Summary Adjudication/Judgement in favor of the Moving Party, since the Defendant has not contested ANY of the trial issues at hand, other than that Balin is just "an ordinary citizen". 

In her notarized Statement of Uncontroverted Facts (p. 79-89), we get a clearer sense of the prosecutorial misconduct levied against unpopular defendants in the City of Angels:

Prosecutorial Misconduct Is A Crime.
Colluding with law enforcement and corporate interests to terrorize its own citizens through abusing the court's limited resources under the guise of pursuing a political agenda, could be viewed as a violation of the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) Act.  In his new book, "MisTrial", the world renowned defense attorney, Mark Geragos, points out that the Criminal Justice System will not change until Prosecutors are no longer afforded impunity for their intentional and malicious prosecutorial misconduct... ah, but without a Johnny Cochran amongst us, who will police the Police?  And who will prosecute the Prosecutors???

Friday, May 24, 2013


On May 25, activists around the world will unite to March Against Monsanto.
If you are physically unable to be at a regional march on Saturday, you can march in place and send a #MAM #MonsantoIsPoison #LemonInstagrams2Congress Tweet from wherever you are to make it "trending" to #SayNoToGMO.

@OccupyLA will be meeting at 10AM in Pershing Square on Saturday, May 25 (a full moon!) for one of the biggest marches in the country- you can find out more at the facebook event page here:

& In honor of Mother Teresa's quote, "as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there." and those handi-capable who are physically unable to march at all, but care about the RightToKnow what we put in our bodies, we suggest you #MakeLoveNotWar and #KissToStopMonsanto!  Post your #twitpics & #instagrams with #KissToStopMonsanto and we will feature them in a special collage/postcard/photogrid going to members of Congress!

#InSolidarity @stayoccupied

Why do we march?
  • Research studies have shown that Monsanto’s genetically-modified foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects.
  • In the United States, the FDA, the agency tasked with ensuring food safety for the population, is steered by ex-Monsanto executives, and we feel that’s a questionable conflict of interests and explains the lack of government-lead research on the long-term effects of GMO products.
  • Recently, the U.S. Congress and president collectively passed the nicknamed “Monsanto Protection Act” that, among other things, bans courts from halting the sale of Monsanto’s genetically-modified seeds.
  • For too long, Monsanto has been the benefactor of corporate subsidies and political favoritism. Organic and small farmers suffer losses while Monsanto continues to forge its monopoly over the world’s food supply, including exclusive patenting rights over seeds and genetic makeup.
  • Monsanto's GMO seeds are harmful to the environment; for example, scientists have indicated they have caused colony collapse among the world's bee population.
What are solutions we advocate?
  • Voting with your dollar by buying organic and boycotting Monsanto-owned companies that use GMOs in their products.
  • Labeling of GMOs so that consumers can make those informed decisions easier.
  • Repealing relevant provisions of the US's "Monsanto Protection Act."
  • Calling for further scientific research on the health effects of GMOs.
  • Holding Monsanto executives and Monsanto-supporting politicians accountable through direct communication, grassroots journalism, social media, etc.
  • Continuing to inform the public about Monsanto's secrets.
  • Taking to the streets to show the world and Monsanto that we won't take these injustices quietly.
We will not stand for cronyism. We will not stand for poison. That’s why we March Against Monsanto.

Join us!

Find cities already participating:

Start your own:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Dear Mr. Ombudsman

Dear Mr. Ombudsman:
We request you follow along this one-

We The People demand a formal investigation
And hope you will respond without hesitation,
Into the cruel & unusual treatment of the Unborn Children of
Lynwood Correctional Facility,
and any child’s developed impedement,
of Mothers Incarcerated While They Were Under the Age of Three…

It is well-documented that the Sheriffs of LA County are cliques of sadomasochistic gangs, in whose hands the medical care and safety of pregnant women hangs…
It is more than twenty-two months without any bastion,
let alone even a question,
raised to journalist Melissa Balin’s own treatment,
only records closed, Pitchess hearings postponed,
appeals met with deletement…
And How impartial can we expect them to be?  
With their Office of Investigative Review sharing urinals and coffee daily?

Clearly even writing to you is a joke,
With Sheriff Baca himself at the yoke
Of some of the greatest crimes against humanity
Committed by hands of baseless depravity
Thinking that no one will notice a few indigents missing
Especially unpopular defendants wearing heirloom pendants
Or young black girls released in the middle of the night;
The tired and defenseless, who won’t put up much of a fight…

Today, We ask you to take your job a little more seriously
And not dismiss these allegations of excessive force spuriously;
With or without you #theTruth will start to “out” in ways #mostcurious
So, Please honor your oath to protect & serve BOTH…

Most Respectfully,
-Unum E Pluribus

Monday, April 1, 2013


Sending postcards to the Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, to let her know that #HempCanSaveThePlanet is a great way to @StayOccupied!

Better Yet, save yourself the postcard stamp and #Tweet her @sebelius and your favorite Members of Congress that: 
#PhytoremediateFUKUSHIMA &
Sign the Resolution to #LetItBeKnown #ProhibitionIsOver at

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


                           Smart Meter Surveillance and Cancer Grid Protest
Wednesday, March 20th   from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm 
in front of the  
Why:  There is a major smart meter/smart grid industry gathering on March 20th, 2013
...and we are planning a major protest against it. 
JOIN US on Wed., March 20th, 11:30AM - 2:30PM on sidewalks in front of The FOUR SEASONS HOTEL, for a peaceful protest against the carcinogenic military industrial surveillance grid known as “smart grid and smart meters”, where industry executives from Edison, PG@E, SMUD and other major utility corporations will be gathered. The demonstration will include a press conference where former DWP workers, engineers, people who have experienced health problems from the smart meters and smart meter grid, and those with concerns about surveillance will share their stories. 
Attendees of the conference will be executives from Edison, PG&E, SDG&E, SMUD, Arizona Public Service and other "smart" players including staff, consultants and others will be gathered to discuss the how to further financially exploit the deadly smart/surveillance meters and equally deadly smart/surveillance grid.  
Being touted as "green" these new meters and their grid can cause many serious illnesses including cancer, birth defects, heart arrhythmia/heart attack, sever headache, tinnitus, immune system problems and much more.   They also invade privacy, are easily hacked, are a fire hazard and systematically over-bill.   
For more info on this action: “Like”  No Smart Meter Coalition  page on Facebook at

For more info on this issue:   http:/
Legal observers will be present to help ensure the rights of the demonstrators. Occupy LA will be sending 2 buses leaving from downtown LA.
If coming from the South, take 101 Freeway North to Lindero Canyon exit (first exit after Kanan Road).  Turn right onto Lindero Cyn Road. Protest will be on sidewalk on left hand side at first intersection with Russell Ranch Road.  Parking will be on right side at parking area for Marriott, Lure Fish House and Custom Built Burgers (shopping center on SW corner of Lindero Canyon Road and Russell Ranch Road).
Thank you so much for your help and support.  Please pass this email on to others. Help us spread the word.

Participating groups to date include:  Occupy LAEarth Solidarity FrontCitizens For A Radiation Free CommunityTopanga Peace Alliance, Topangans For A Radiation Free Community, Stop Smart Meters, Electrosmog Prevention and EMF Network.
Contacts:  Julie Levine and Guero Cerda, 310-455-9389310-463-3016;  Liz Barris 310-455-7530 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Please #VOTE & #WriteIN #MelissaBalin4Mayor #TODAY in #LA

Greetings From Around The Circumference Of The Saucer! We hope this finds you well and enjoying all the promise that living beyond the Mayan calendar brings!

Please SHARE with any friends who may be LA Registered Voters that TODAY March 5, 2013, is the election primary and they have a unique opportunity to Write-In the Totally Radical filmmaker & activist, Melissa "white chocolate" Balin for the position of Mayor of Los Angeles!  Only 11% of registered voters are expected to show out today, so we have a real opportunity to upset the proverbial apple cart here without jeopardizing our fine city in any real way before the elections in May ;)

Click here to watch her candidate statement on LA City View Channel 35:

Click here to follow along on facebook:

Click here to Re-Tweet your support:

It is worth noting for both comic effect and in honor of #ExposingTheTruth, that in light of the recent dismissal of falsified criminal Contempt of Court charges against Melissa Balin on February 27, 2013 after FIFTEEN MONTHS of cruel & unusual persecution by City Attorney candidate Carmen Trutanich (PLEASE DO NOT RE-ELECT THIS CRIMINAL CURRENTLY UNDER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION FOR FLAGRANT MALFEASANCES OF JUSTICE IN COLLUSION WITH LA CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE CURRENT MAYOR VILLARAIGOSA); Balin may be your LEAST CRIMINAL CHOICE FOR CITY HALL!

Stay Positive & Stay Occupied By Any Creative Non-Violent Means Necessary. 
Please Consider making a donation to @NoKidHungry in the name of Team Balin4Mayor at:

YOUR Biggest Fan,
Melissa "white chocolate" Balin approves this message ;)
323.839.0149 cell


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Mother's Plea To A Wall of Silence

Carmen Trutanich is proud of his arrest and conviction record.

How many of these arrests were falsified like my daughter, filmmaker/activist and investigative journalist, Melissa Balin, on 11/14/2011 and fifteen months later we are still pleading for the dismissal of these falsified charges In The Interest of Justice?

Why was Melissa Balin’s Pitchess motion taken off the calendar and why was this highly intelligent and capable young woman shuffled off to the Mental Health Court; where, after a very brief sham interview, she was found incompetent to stand trial and committed from December 20, 2012 until June 16, 2013?

How is a competent person found incompetent and then found “restored” to competency again one month later with NO forensic evaluations or collateral data review? The Mental Health Court should be investigated including the not so honorable Judge Samantha Jessner.

After being found competent on January 30th by Judge Jessner, Melissa Balin was sent back to criminal court the very next day, January 31, 2013 at 8:30am for falsified misdemeanor charges with the same attorney who knowingly and maliciously curtailed her liberty without cause.

Attorney Tahan refused to file her papers, causing frustration.  Judge Barela denied her media request.  Judge Barela denied her second Marsden motion and refused to allow her to represent herself. Judge Barela refused to put her Pitchess motion back on the calendar AND refused to recuse himself after stating that he was indeed prejudiced.

In the interim, her fired attorney Anthony Tahan shoved her from the back while she was giving testimony to the Judge and yelled “Shut up!” in full view of everyone present in the courtroom, and no one did or said anything.

Finally her papers got filed as she was told by Judge Barela to get out.

I am an American citizen and I feel as though I have experienced domestic terrorism in the Los Angeles Courts. With Judges lying and bullying you out of your rights… with attorneys lying, and the sheriffs and the police lying because that‘s what they are “told to do”…they will do anything to “win” regardless of where the truth lies. And when you attempt to confront them, you are labeled NOT COMPLIANT and they think they can do whatever they please because they have the power and you don’t! They are all OATH TAKERS and they are supposed to be OATH KEEPERS and their first obligation is to serve and protect the citizens. We are ‘assumed’ to be innocent until proven guilty.

Somewhere the process of Justice has taken a strange turn, and the people in charge of protecting and keeping the Constitution For The United States Of America and the California State Constitution of 1849 are not keeping their oaths.

All of these alleged “wins” are happening at the good taxpayers’ expense -ruining families’ lives wasting beyond limited taxpayer resources to fight real crime and violence.

Please investigate Carmen Trutanich and the City Attorney’s office for prosecutorial misconduct.

Please sign & share the petition to #ExonerateMelissaBalin at 
Join Us in Demanding Justice from virtually wherever you are at:

Rochelle Balin 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rodriguez-Chomat Should Go F$%#ck Himself!?$#%!

WARNING:  This Blog Is Protected By The First Amendment:
#Chalkupy #TheFirstAmendment #ContemptuousButNotGuilty
The only thing Penelope Soto should be sorry about is that she needed 2 "xannie bars" to feel like Rick Ross and that a pompous old assclown acting under color of law like Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat would be able to subjugate her valiant sovereign spirit so quickly.

You can review the video yourselves above, but keep in mind that according to State v. Bullock (1991, LA) Penelope Soto's gesture would NOT be considered contemptuous as it was in response to colloquy initiated by the Judge, accompanying his violation of her Eighth Amendment right against excessive bail for no apparent reason than that she said "Adios" and did not feel she respected his "authoritay" by gigling... It is worth noting that according to Masinter, 355 So.2d 1288, the power to jail for contempt is given "on the assumption that it will be judiciously and sparingly employed".
But that's not all, Folks:  Knowing full well he had abused his "authoritay" in the damage control in the days following, he proceeds to publicly humiliate the girl under the guise of some "important life lesson" that you can't go around spouting profanity in public forums- REALLY?!  Isn't that RICH?!?!?  Check out the former member of the Miami legislature acting under color of law in 1991:
Read the whole story at:

False arrests and oathkeepers committing perjury and knowing violations of the Constitutions they have sworn to protect and uphold should incite the public's Contempt FOR Court Officials breaking the law with impunity.  Instead the Good People are further punished by their tyranny through egregious acts of excessive bail, continuing mandamus, and Kafkaesque "trials by ordeal" deemed Cruel & Unusual in the times of The Crucible.

If you ever hear Women Seeking Justice say "More Weight", it shall be to place on the scales of Lady Justice FoRe we know her blind eyes are weeping tears of blood like a high school production of King Lear as we wait for her return from behind the closed doors of Judges' chambers while they finish sodomizing her in a #KubrickStyl #ExParte "Partay" they like to call, "#ForcedSex For #JustUS".

We The People #RefuseConsent.  You will no longer receive a salary from taxpayer funds for raping Lady Justice.  All Judges in current violation of Title 18 and Title 42 shall hereby write 1000 words or less on Why You Should Remain In Public Office Or Remove Yourself From Office.

Consider Yourselves Served Bitchess.
ps- We The People are looking forward to seeing Penelope Soto "blinged" out in Rick Ross' next music video
@StayOccupied By Any Creative Non-Violent Means Necessary Penelope Soto!  #InSolidarity.

Friday, January 25, 2013

ON With Her Head!

What If one day, The Queen of Hearts redeemed her spurious ways and realized that she was wrong to order Alice's head?  And What If, when the Queen of Hearts ordered Alice's "corpus" to return "habeas" in order to most graciously have Alice's head re-attached at a "TeaParty"; in finding that Alice's head was still firmly attached to her head all this time,  she most ungraciously ordered Alice's head to be re-removed in order for her to then re-attach it...  Would you allow it?  
Or would you run her directly to the Ecuadorian embassy without passing GO and WITHOUT COLLECTING $200?!?!?!
Abraham Lincoln said, “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
  Save Melissa Balin!  Stop Samantha Jessner From Committing Acts of Terror Under Color of Law!

Sign the petition to #ExonerateMelissaBalin at!  Make it #trendy 2 #ExonerateMelissaBalin in the Interest of the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, as well as the California State Constitution of 1849.  

Deputize yourself with the U.S. Marshalls... become friends with somebody at Homeland Security to stop these domestic terrorists... send a topless photo to the CIA to get them on the case since the FBI are in on the schtick... form a Sovereign Grand Jury of your oathkeeping peers... whatever it takes... Just Don't Let Them Take Melissa Balin Away From Her People Under The Color of Law! #FernsySays: #NeverAgain:

Power to the Peaceful!  "Live Free or Die" is New Hampshire's slogan NOT California's... ours is "Eureka... I have Found It!" as in striking GOLD and not fists.  Out here we believe in BalinYoga, and Avocados all year long and Quality of Living and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Join Us in Our Ultimate Pursuit of #Justice #ButNotForJUSTUs with @WomenSeekingJustice

Please #RT, #Share & #Participate in the #ExonerateMelissaBalin FB event virtually or #LIVE- & hey, did we mention #FREE #LetThemEatCupcakes?!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chalkupy #Hopscotch4Justice

On January 23, 2013 #hopscotch4Justice was launched at the #OLA General Assembly by Affinity Group, @StayOccupied

Join our Strategic Partnership with CopBlock, Women Seeking Justice, Sovereign Citizens United, and Occupy Everywhere in our oath to protect & serve the Constitution for The United States of America and the California State Constitution of 1849, in conducting the first California Pitchess Motion By The People For The People.

It would appear that the only people who seem to truly believe they are above the law, are government officials and law enforcement officers who are breaking the law with impunity and facing NO disciplinary actions other than slight public embarrassment.  In the wake of the wrongful death of Aaron Swartz, we maintain that Prosecutorial Misconduct is the only real crime here.

Chalk=FreeSpeech.  We offer the simple concept that navigating through the Justice System of 2013 should be approached like a hopscotch game for your inner child.  You must hop & skip and be careful not to touch the lines and pick up your marker and move it along, without anything actually happening besides you hopping and skipping back & forth.  Often when a malfeasance of Justice occurs, it takes much more than one prosecutor to make the giant cogs turn in the machine that is trying to crush you alive under its weight ala The Crucible.

Give your inner child a sense of GLEE!  Upload your chalk pix of the pieces to your own justice puzzles on our @StayOccupied Pinterest Board #Hopscotch4Justice, so that others may cross-reference your claims with their own, and see how many "Bad Lieutenants" have exhibited a continual pattern or propensity to use excessive force, falsify reports, or perjure themselves under oath... you, know, the usual stuff that never gets investigated.

The Day of Reckoning is ARRIVED.  Welcome to the #BloodlessRevolution of whistle-blowing!  Let's just "chalk it up" to the end of a #RampantRampartEra, shall we?