Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rodriguez-Chomat Should Go F$%#ck Himself!?$#%!

WARNING:  This Blog Is Protected By The First Amendment:
#Chalkupy #TheFirstAmendment #ContemptuousButNotGuilty
The only thing Penelope Soto should be sorry about is that she needed 2 "xannie bars" to feel like Rick Ross and that a pompous old assclown acting under color of law like Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat would be able to subjugate her valiant sovereign spirit so quickly.

You can review the video yourselves above, but keep in mind that according to State v. Bullock (1991, LA) Penelope Soto's gesture would NOT be considered contemptuous as it was in response to colloquy initiated by the Judge, accompanying his violation of her Eighth Amendment right against excessive bail for no apparent reason than that she said "Adios" and did not feel she respected his "authoritay" by gigling... It is worth noting that according to Masinter, 355 So.2d 1288, the power to jail for contempt is given "on the assumption that it will be judiciously and sparingly employed".
But that's not all, Folks:  Knowing full well he had abused his "authoritay" in the damage control in the days following, he proceeds to publicly humiliate the girl under the guise of some "important life lesson" that you can't go around spouting profanity in public forums- REALLY?!  Isn't that RICH?!?!?  Check out the former member of the Miami legislature acting under color of law in 1991:
Read the whole story at:

False arrests and oathkeepers committing perjury and knowing violations of the Constitutions they have sworn to protect and uphold should incite the public's Contempt FOR Court Officials breaking the law with impunity.  Instead the Good People are further punished by their tyranny through egregious acts of excessive bail, continuing mandamus, and Kafkaesque "trials by ordeal" deemed Cruel & Unusual in the times of The Crucible.

If you ever hear Women Seeking Justice say "More Weight", it shall be to place on the scales of Lady Justice FoRe we know her blind eyes are weeping tears of blood like a high school production of King Lear as we wait for her return from behind the closed doors of Judges' chambers while they finish sodomizing her in a #KubrickStyl #ExParte "Partay" they like to call, "#ForcedSex For #JustUS".

We The People #RefuseConsent.  You will no longer receive a salary from taxpayer funds for raping Lady Justice.  All Judges in current violation of Title 18 and Title 42 shall hereby write 1000 words or less on Why You Should Remain In Public Office Or Remove Yourself From Office.

Consider Yourselves Served Bitchess.
ps- We The People are looking forward to seeing Penelope Soto "blinged" out in Rick Ross' next music video
@StayOccupied By Any Creative Non-Violent Means Necessary Penelope Soto!  #InSolidarity.

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