Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Miscarriage Of Justice Foetry Book Review Copy

Fotos & Poetry by Melissa Balin are being released as a collection entitled, Miscarriage Of Justice for FREE download as a Review Copy #PDFTribute to #AaronSwartzRIP.

Miscarriage Of Justice: Transforming Pain Into #aRT is poetry written during Melissa Balin's personal experience battling Injustices for her known association with Occupy Los Angeles; in the hopes to provide inspiration and edutainment to others challenged by the currently unconstitutional #JustUs system.
Only a limited number of traditional books will be printed as a fundraiser for Women Seeking Justice, instead publishing the work through a series of #OpenSource tweets by @StayOccupied and on magnets exhibited in public places. 

If you would like to make a donation towards the public exhibition of the poetry and fotos on magnets being strategically placed and photographed around the courthouses of all 58 Counties in California, please click the donate button below or feel free to make a paypal donation directly to:  

#TheMessageISTheMedium ;)

For interviews, media requests, or live speaking engagements to promote poetic justice, please e-mail 

Happy Occuversary!


Happy Occuversary! by StayOccupied