Sunday, October 11, 2015

Writ of Quo Warranto to Congress

On September 28, 2015, the Senate Judiciary Committee and House Judiciary Committee received a Writ of Quo Warranto asking for a formal investigation into documented abuses of judicial immunity along with the #JudicialImmunityIsALemon petition:

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Justice For Alex Hill *TRIGGER ALERT*

Justice For Alex Hill: #JudicialImmunityIsALemon

Alex Hill was only two years old when she was murdered by the foster care system in July of 2013, and the little bit of time she spent on this planet does not make her any less worthy of Justice. 

While one of Hill's foster care parents, Sherill Small was found guilty of murder and is currently serving a Life sentence without parole, it is unclear if the CPS caseworker, Trina Fowler, and the Mentor executives allegedly responsible for removing Alexandria from her loving biological home into much more adverse environments, resulting in her tragic death, ever received any disciplinary action whatsoever.

The BuzzFeed Investigative Article by Aram Roston & Jeremy Singer-Vine, ( describes National Mentor Holdings as a for-profit foster care provider.  "The company trades on the New York Stock Exchange as Civitas Solutions LLC, and markets itself as The Mentor Network. It is controlled by New York-based private equity fund Vestar Capital Partners."  The article goes on to say that at least six healthy children, including Hill, have died in Mentor custody since 2005,  "and in nearly all these cases there have been allegations that negligence by Mentor contributed to the deaths. Other children have been sexually or physically abused, sometimes after clear warning signs."

A landmark 1978 case, Monell v. Dept. of Social Services of the City of New York, assigned liability to local governments for constitutional violations by their employees.  Under the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, the Justice Department may sue for declaratory and equitable relief if any governmental authority or person acting on behalf of any governmental authority engages in "a pattern or practice of conduct by law enforcement officers...that deprives persons of rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States."  Both Child Protective Services and Mentor's policies and practices of deliberate indifference have been documented for well over two decades.

In April of 2015, the Senate Finance Committee began an inquiry into all fifty states' privatized foster care contracting practices, sending Mentor a six-page letter requesting detailed information about the firm’s business practices and treatment of the thousands of children in its care, on June 17.  In Aram Roston's follow-up article in BuzzFeed dated June 24, 2015 ( he notes, "Sarah Magazine, the company spokesperson, said there was no relationship between the Senate’s questions to Mentor and the timing of the announcement that the firm was pulling out of foster care in five states. It also said that BuzzFeed News’ reporting did not influence its decision".

Please leave a comment on the #JudicialImmunityIsALemon petition In Memory of Alexandria Hill and any children that have fallen victim to the very system entrusted with their care, asking the Senate & House Judiciary Committees to Please Investigate documented abuses of Judicial Immunity rampant within Child Protective Services and their private contractors acting under Color of Law, at 

Monday, October 5, 2015

In Memory of Tamara Marie Brusso

In Memory of Tamara Marie Brusso 
(December 19, 1957 - July 30, 2012) Http:// 
On July 30, 2012, Phoenix Goddess Temple Founding Member, Tamara Marie Brusso, was found dead of an untreated blood clot aneurysm while awaiting her right to a speedy trial in the charges filed against her by Maricopa County Attorney's Office.  Due to Brusso's declared indigent status, her true cause of death was allegedly covered up and labeled "accidental overdose".  Brusso's body was cremated (in violation of her religious beliefs) and any evidence that the hospital and/or County Attorney's Office may have been negligent, was destroyed WITHOUT AN INVESTIGATION.  The Judge involved in the case, which AS OF THIS WRITING IN THE FALL OF 2015 HAS YET TO GO TO TRIAL AT GREAT EXPENSE TO THE TAXPAYERS OF ARIZONA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, issued a Stay-Away Order for all co-defendants, which may or may not have been unconstitutional and resulted in the tragic death of co-defendant and Phoenix Goddess Temple founding member, Tamara Marie Brusso, who might have received immediate and life-saving medical attention if she had not been court-ordered not to have contact with her only existing support system of her temple and her spiritual advisors, who were labeled "co-defendants" rather than innocent religious observers, who had yet to be proven guilty, while being denied their right to a speedy trial.

According to the Camp Verde Bugle News article dated September 8, 2011
"Among individuals arrested in Sedona was Goddess Temple founder Tracy Elise, 50, who was involved in a similar suspected brothel in Seattle, shut down by law enforcement in 2009. She was arrested in Sedona based on a Maricopa County Grand Jury warrant. Elise faces charges of prostitution, illegal control of a criminal enterprise, pandering and operating a house of prostitution.  Also arrested in Sedona were Tamara Brusso, 53, and Niki Faldemolaei, 51. Brusso was arrested based on a Grand Jury warrant from Maricopa County, and Faldemolaei was arrested on charges of participating in a criminal syndicate, keeping a house of prostitution, receiving earnings of prostitution, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Sedona Police Commander Marlayne Hatler says, the investigation involving Phoenix undercover officers and Sedona PD surveillance has been ongoing and more arrests are expected to be made. The Maricopa County indictment listed 33 names.  The Phoenix police investigation began in early August. Once it became apparent that Phoenix Temple also has operations in Sedona, it became a joint investigation."
On February 25, 2013 in a forum on, co-indictee, Baba Dez posted,
"The media loves to spin a story.  Not only was I never charged with anything, I was never even wanted for questioning.  All charges were dropped against Sedona Temple's manager Niki Faldenmolaei; Tracy Elise's Goddess Temples were totally different organizations and the police made a grave error in thinking we were the same organizations.  This is all symptomatic of spiritual and sexual ignorance.  There is much education that needs to happen in Arizona, the USA and the world.  Humanity is still in the process of coming out of the Dark Ages."
From September 2011 until now, out of approximately 33 indictments, and approximately 40 co-defendants, all but three have been "resolved" by plea bargain.  The three resolved women with "unresolved cases", include deceased Tamara Brusso; while Phoenix Goddess Temple co-founder Tracy Elise, and her literal last co-defendant standing, are still awaiting their right to a speedy trial, and still awaiting discovery that contains exculpatory evidence, while taxpayer dollars have been allocated to another SIX HOUR PRETRIAL HEARING THIS MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015.  Elise was told that only the next-of-kin can file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of Tamara Brusso, and hopes that the eventual exoneration a trial could finally provide, will help to honor Brusso's memory and their shared determination to exercise the right to exercise freedom of religion as is protected by the Constitution for the United States of America.

Call Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery's Office at 602.506.3411 and ask why limited taxpayer resources are being abused in prolonging a Trial By Ordeal of practitioners of an unpopular religion, in what may not even be the proper court of jurisdiction; and ask him to instead Please Investigate the Unconstitutional Death of Tamara Marie Brusso as an alleged Abuse of Judicial Immunity and Prosecutorial Misconduct exerted Under the Color of Law by Maricopa County officials.

Comment, Sign & Share the #JudicialImmunityIsALemon petition In Memory of Tamara Marie Brusso at 


Did Anyone Else/Ever Receive A False "Sexually Violent Predator" Designation As A Retaliatory Act?

Women Seeking Justice Now on Reddit!

Friday, September 25, 2015

#JudicialImmunityIsALemon #FreeEddyLepp!

#FreeEddyLepp #JudicialImmunityIsALemon 

Rev. Eddy Lepp is a Vietnam Veteran and an Interfaith Rastafaian Minister who is currently serving an Unconstitutional Mandatory Minimum ten year Federal sentence for one of the largest Religious and Medical Marijuana Gardens in California As Protected Under California Proposition 215 Since 1996.  Eddy's case was one of many where the Federal Government tried to make an example out of him and abused limited taxpayer resources in a malicious prosecution.  

At his sentencing hearing in May of 2009, US District Court Judge Marilyn Patel said Lepp could apply for a rehearing if the laws changed. ( the laws DID change and farmers with the same size medical crops in Colorado and Washington were not facing Federal charges, Reverend Eddy Lepp filed a Writ Of Habeas Corpus.  A writ of habeas corpus (literally to "produce the body") is a court order to a person (prison warden) or agency (institution) holding someone in custody to deliver the imprisoned individual to the court issuing the order (

It is worth noting that the Federal Government spends an inordinate amount of limited resources on Unconstitutional policies that involve moving prisoners intra-State in order to segregate them away from any existing support system of friends and family; and no expense had been spared to move the well-loved activist from Lompoc, California to Texas and then later to Colorado; but for UNEXPLAINED REASONS EDDY LEPP'S CORPUS WAS NEVER HABEASED BACK TO CALIFORNIA and a California Judge held Lepp's Habeas Corpus hearing WITHOUT HIM PRESENT WHICH IS WILDLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  

Here are Rev. Eddy Lepp's own words from prison about the Judicial System as posted to the Free Eddy Lepp Facebook Page ( on September 24, 2015, as he is currently being withheld proper medical care under Unconstitutional conditions: 
"Looking at this from a prisoners point of view , I can see many problems in and with the way things are being done. To begin with the people doing this the Judges who have had their hands tied by congress so they cant be fair but must follow guidelines which are way out of line. A child molester get 5 to 10 years max as a rule murders get 10 to 15 (unless their terrorist) Years, White collar crimes get 3 or 4 years (Unless their Bernie Maidoff) While drug offenders commonly receive 10 to life??? Sadly the way over 90% of all federal inmates end up in here is because they are forced to take a deal. The USAG's threaten them with 20 to life but will let them take a deal for 10. Almost none of our high paid public servants could win a trial if they tried because they have little or no experience in the court rooms. Many of the US att;s office have only a few trial capable Att,s, The Cop's are worse they couldn't catch a mouse stealing cheese, Again over 90% of all criminal cases are the results of a informant, The cops scare the S@#& out of them reinforced by the USAG's so they give up names of all kinds of people many they may only have been seen once, then the Feds take the one time deal which happened years ago and charge that the same amount or more was sold each day or week for the whole time resulting in people being charged with selling several hundred or thousand pounds when it in fact never happened. It is time we as a people forced Our duly Sworn servants to do their Jobs not depend on those outside of their professions to do their jobs for them it is said that if everyone would refuse the deal that the court system would shut down in 30 days or the Feds would stop all the BS prosecutions, Im sure I could go on much longer but I believe you get the Point the system is broke and needs to be fixed one way or another, So please let our REP,S Know we want,need, and demand postive change fair across the board to one and all."

Please Leave a Comment, Sign And Share the #JudicialImmunityIsALemon petition at in honor of Rev. Eddy Lepp, asking Congress to Investigate Abuses of Judicial Immunity on behalf of all Prisoners of the Unconstitutional War On Drugs.  

Thursday, August 13, 2015


It's A Bummer We Even Have To Dedicate A Summer To Justice
But The Thrust Is
That Justice For Just Us
Simply Doesn't Become Us
So Let's Take Stock Of Just What Has Become Of Us...

To Rally For Justice For All Is A Must
But Rather Than Just To Complain, You Can Trust
We'll Actually Address HOW The System Went Bust
& We Don't Mean That Euphemistically,
We'll Tell You With Gust:
The Evidence Is Real-
Survivors Will Tell You With Zeal
So Why Does It NEVER Get Heard In The Court Of Appeals?
Or Perhaps You Meant The Court Of Appellate?
Just What IS The Difference By How They Would Tell It?
And Was It Within Lethal Range When LEO Shot That Beanbag Pellet?
Just What IS A Judge's Cafeteria Payment? 
And No I'm NOT Yelling-
But It Sure Sounds Like The First Amendment You're Selling...
And Now... 

I'm Being Removed...
Excessive Force...
And Now I'm Being Abused...
Denied My Right To A Phone Call Now I'm Being Confused...
I Want My Mommy And Lawyer And Now I'm Being REFUSED...
Now I'm ReFramed & ReCaptioned Front Page Of The News
Not Brought To Court Till There's No More Sign Of A Bruise
You Don't Have To Read The Constitution To See Through The Ruse
Of A Prison Industrial Complex Privatized- Correctional Officers Sanctioning Lies,
Obstructing Of Justice Whenever Someone In Custody Dies...
Meanwhile Public Schools Are A Joke
And Why Do They Keep Sending Our Underprivileged Youth To The Poke?
You Still Say You Don't See The Connection?!
How We Care For The Most Vulnerable IS Our Own Reflection.

Well, We're Not Gonna Fall For It
OR Build Another Prison Wall For It
What Do You Mean We Already Did???
What Do You Mean Since Rumsfeld Was A Kid???
What Do You Mean Detroit Sold To China 
And No One Else Was Allowed Even To Bid???
Okay Maybe Not That Last Part, 
But May My Rhyming Be A Mouse Fart
In The Akashic Record, Still Audibly There-
Somewhere After Sartre, Our Existence Laid Bare-
Are You Listening?
Can You See Opportunity Glistening?

We Refuse Consent To This.
We'll Resist Without A Fist
And The Offenders Will Simply Cease And Desist.
You Wonder, But How Could That Be?
& What IS The Twist?

Instead Of A War Of Tugging, It's A Tug Of Peace:
The Best Way To Win Is To Simply Release.
With The Beauty Of This, 
That The Weight Of The Beast And Their Burden
Will Knock Them Right Off Their Own Feet!
Karmic Retribution Never Tasted So Sweet.
Persist O Ye Righteous
On The Field We Shall Meet
Marching Alongside Thousands Of Feet
Awaiting For A Count Of One, Two, And Three...
We The People - That'd Be You And Me,
Standing Tall, Passing A Torch Or A Ball,
We'll Exercise Our Dominion Before The Whispers Of Fall
THIS Summer We Right Justice For One And For All.

Monday, March 16, 2015


Judicial Immunity is not just for Judges.  Instances of #PoliceBrutality without Indictments, #FalseArrests simply to intimidate or quash #FreeSpeech, & #ProsecutorialMisconduct are all examples of #AbuseOfPower hiding behind #JudicialImmunity.

The video documentary, A Mother's Plea For Justice, made by the family of filmmaker/activist Melissa Balin, is an empirical record of Human Rights Violations exerted under the Color of Law that should shock the conscience of any Oathkeeper, but instead are #Monell violations intentionally incurred by government officials for more than two decades.

If you agree that #JudicialImmunityIsALemon please sign and share the petition asking the Senate and House Judiciary Committees to appoint a subcommittee to investigate the rampant abuse of Judicial Immunity:


#JudicialImmunityIsALemon powered by Women Seeking Justice.

Monday, February 9, 2015

#Walk2Know Is A Great Way 2 #StayOccupied

Not Telling People What’s In Their Food?

See, We’re Not Doing That.
Not Even Pursuing That
I see you wearing your how much interest’s accruing hat-
But It Just Wouldn’t Be Ethical Doing That.
So We’ll Agree To Not Even Purviewing That.

With A Show of How Far We’re All Willing To Go
For OUR #RightToKnow
On T-shirts and Car Magnets and Shoelaces Tied in a Bow…
We Pledge Miles to the Cause Wherever We Go
You Can Find Us Under the Hashtag #TeamWalk2Know
It’s True We Don’t Have Anywhere Near The Dough of Monsanto
But Our Strength Is In Numbers, #Trending An Undertow

Besides- There’s No Real Reason Not To Be FOR It,
Between Us On The Low-
Whatever Science Isn’t Sure Yet, We Say WOAH- WOAH- WOAH!
Even Monsanto’s Executives Kids
Have The Shared Right To Know
What’s Inside Their Food Or From What Ground Did It Grow?

It’s Not That We’re “ANTI” Synthetic-
Just That It Would Be Pathetic To Label It “Natural”
And We Want Congress To Know That We Won’t Accept No
And If They Fail To Respond We’ll Serve Them a Warranto Quo
This Is Not A Partisan Issue Split Friend Or Foe
But It Does Threaten
To Turn Out Like Some Tale by Edgar Allen Poe
If the Raven that quoth “Nevermore” in OUR story
GMO’d into a Crow…

So, We Support Taylor Lancaster in the #Walk2Know
As he heads to the East and off towards the Snow
Exercising Our Right To Let People Know
About YOUR Right To Know
Whether your last name is Biden
or you’re a plumber named Joe.
It’s Not Just Our Farmers Who Reap What They Sow.
Pesticides Don’t Just Stay On The Lawn That You Mow
We Want To Know Which Ingredients Are Which
And Some People Have Allergies SO…

Just #LabelIt
And Stop Having A HissyFit. 
People Still Eat McDonald’s Fries
& Knowing That List Of Chemical Ingredients
Doesn’t Deter Them One Bit.

Whatever A Product Is Made Of On The Label MUST Show.
Give Thanks To All Who Observe Our Natural Right To Know.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

#FourWordStoryChallenge Virtual #OxfamJam

@oxfamamerica #February Virtual #OxfamJam 4 #SocialJustice

Social Justice NOT JustUs.

#FourWordStory #Challenge
#TagAFriend. #poetsofinstagram
#TweetUp curated by @melissabalin