Wednesday, March 20, 2013


                           Smart Meter Surveillance and Cancer Grid Protest
Wednesday, March 20th   from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm 
in front of the  
Why:  There is a major smart meter/smart grid industry gathering on March 20th, 2013
...and we are planning a major protest against it. 
JOIN US on Wed., March 20th, 11:30AM - 2:30PM on sidewalks in front of The FOUR SEASONS HOTEL, for a peaceful protest against the carcinogenic military industrial surveillance grid known as “smart grid and smart meters”, where industry executives from Edison, PG@E, SMUD and other major utility corporations will be gathered. The demonstration will include a press conference where former DWP workers, engineers, people who have experienced health problems from the smart meters and smart meter grid, and those with concerns about surveillance will share their stories. 
Attendees of the conference will be executives from Edison, PG&E, SDG&E, SMUD, Arizona Public Service and other "smart" players including staff, consultants and others will be gathered to discuss the how to further financially exploit the deadly smart/surveillance meters and equally deadly smart/surveillance grid.  
Being touted as "green" these new meters and their grid can cause many serious illnesses including cancer, birth defects, heart arrhythmia/heart attack, sever headache, tinnitus, immune system problems and much more.   They also invade privacy, are easily hacked, are a fire hazard and systematically over-bill.   
For more info on this action: “Like”  No Smart Meter Coalition  page on Facebook at

For more info on this issue:   http:/
Legal observers will be present to help ensure the rights of the demonstrators. Occupy LA will be sending 2 buses leaving from downtown LA.
If coming from the South, take 101 Freeway North to Lindero Canyon exit (first exit after Kanan Road).  Turn right onto Lindero Cyn Road. Protest will be on sidewalk on left hand side at first intersection with Russell Ranch Road.  Parking will be on right side at parking area for Marriott, Lure Fish House and Custom Built Burgers (shopping center on SW corner of Lindero Canyon Road and Russell Ranch Road).
Thank you so much for your help and support.  Please pass this email on to others. Help us spread the word.

Participating groups to date include:  Occupy LAEarth Solidarity FrontCitizens For A Radiation Free CommunityTopanga Peace Alliance, Topangans For A Radiation Free Community, Stop Smart Meters, Electrosmog Prevention and EMF Network.
Contacts:  Julie Levine and Guero Cerda, 310-455-9389310-463-3016;  Liz Barris 310-455-7530 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Please #VOTE & #WriteIN #MelissaBalin4Mayor #TODAY in #LA

Greetings From Around The Circumference Of The Saucer! We hope this finds you well and enjoying all the promise that living beyond the Mayan calendar brings!

Please SHARE with any friends who may be LA Registered Voters that TODAY March 5, 2013, is the election primary and they have a unique opportunity to Write-In the Totally Radical filmmaker & activist, Melissa "white chocolate" Balin for the position of Mayor of Los Angeles!  Only 11% of registered voters are expected to show out today, so we have a real opportunity to upset the proverbial apple cart here without jeopardizing our fine city in any real way before the elections in May ;)

Click here to watch her candidate statement on LA City View Channel 35:

Click here to follow along on facebook:

Click here to Re-Tweet your support:

It is worth noting for both comic effect and in honor of #ExposingTheTruth, that in light of the recent dismissal of falsified criminal Contempt of Court charges against Melissa Balin on February 27, 2013 after FIFTEEN MONTHS of cruel & unusual persecution by City Attorney candidate Carmen Trutanich (PLEASE DO NOT RE-ELECT THIS CRIMINAL CURRENTLY UNDER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION FOR FLAGRANT MALFEASANCES OF JUSTICE IN COLLUSION WITH LA CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE CURRENT MAYOR VILLARAIGOSA); Balin may be your LEAST CRIMINAL CHOICE FOR CITY HALL!

Stay Positive & Stay Occupied By Any Creative Non-Violent Means Necessary. 
Please Consider making a donation to @NoKidHungry in the name of Team Balin4Mayor at:

YOUR Biggest Fan,
Melissa "white chocolate" Balin approves this message ;)
323.839.0149 cell
